This February, we’re raising a cup to 10 incredible years of engaging, educating and accelerating our entrepreneurial community.

Join us as we celebrate the achievements of our presenters, supporters and all those who make Cup of Joe a cornerstone of innovation in our area.

Join the Celebration

Wednesday, February 5*Business Showcase – Team Members*

Susan Campbell, SJC Marketing

Kaitlyn (Ruoff) Paxton, Huckleberry Gardens

Ben Kittrell,

Wednesday, February 12*Entrepreneur Hot Topic Panel Workshop*

Alan Doan, Missouri Star Quilt Co (Chillicothe)

Ben Schultz, Fountain City Partners

Bob Wollenman, Deluxe Truck Stop

Wednesday, February 19*Business Resource Fair (Partnering Agencies)*

Nathan Nold, Firehouse Subs

Casey Adams, TechMC

Any Rieger, J. Rieger & Company (Kansas City)

Wednesday, February 26*Business Resource Fair (Partnering Agencies)*

COJ Team Members from Ten Years Ago- Business Updates

*Book Discussion – Innovation Stack by Jim McKelvey –
Books donated by Gerstsema Wealth*